Talent Anarchy

Talent Anarchy

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Dynamic speaking duo of Jason Lauritsen and Joe Gerstandt

A Talent Anarchy keynote is not for the faint of heart. The dynamic speaking duo of Jason Lauritsen and Joe Gerstandt will provoke, entertain, educate, and inspire you to take action.

Joe is the sage consultant. He’s a middle-aged white guy who is a national thought-leader on issues of diversity and inclusion — need we say more? He brings a unique and powerful perspective to everything he does. The core of Joe’s work is to help organizations solve issues of diversity, culture and innovation through consulting, training and speaking. Listening to Joe speak, you will hear tales of his days as a U.S. Marine and Gulf War veteran blended with his experience in sales, education, and community-building. To say that Joe is intense and passionate about his work would be an understatement. He is one part professor, one part philosopher and one part “not quite right.” Be prepared.

Jason is the reformed corporate guy. For nearly a decade, he spent his days in the belly of the beast as a corporate Human Resources leader where he drove change from the inside. Today, he leads the Client Success Team for Quantum Workplace. A born innovator, Jason has been making change happen since his grade school years. Classically impatient, curious and well-groomed, Jason’s early career was a rapid progression of sales and management roles including launching, leading and ultimately selling a small business in his mid-twenties. He’s a leader, sales guy, entrepreneur and corporate executive — all rolled up in one.
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Speaking topics

Social Gravity: Harnessing the Natural Laws of Relationships

Relationships matter, in both our personal and professional lives. Conventional wisdom tells us that “it’s not what you know, but who you know that matters.” But how do you get to know the right people?

In this high-impact keynote, Talent Anarchy reveals to the audience the awesome power of Social Gravity. Audiences discover the science behind how and why relationships form between people and gain an understanding of the value that exists within these relationships called social capital. The Six Laws of Social Gravity will then empower each individual with the knowledge and tools they need to grow a powerful network of relationships to fuel their personal and professional success.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will leave with a broader understanding of social capital — the resources and value that exist within networks of relationships.
  • Participants will understand the importance of marshaling the resources within networks on both the individual and organizational level.
  • Participants will have The Six Laws of Social Gravity as a framework for intentional individual and organizational efforts to grow their network of relationships towards achieving higher levels of success and achievement.

Keeping it Real The What, Why and How of Authentic Leadership

In this hyper-connected, global, short attention span world we live in today, finding success in leading other people requires a different approach.  Individualization is the dominant trend of the day.  People want everything customized to their individual needs and preferences, including their leader.

Being a good leader is hard work.  It is impossible to be all things to everyone, so what can you do?  The answer begins with authenticity.  The most successful leaders cultivate their own style that is rooted in who they are and what they believe.  Authentic leaders are comfortable in their own skin so they can embrace others as they are and then inspire them to be exceptional in their own way.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain a broader understanding of authenticity and its critical role in leading and engaging an increasingly diverse workforce
  • Discover the critical role authentic leadership plays in creating a culture that is inclusive, engaging and innovative.
  • Develop a deep understanding of the four components of authenticity including specific guidance for developing these components in others

Un-Management: Confronting the Inconvenient Truth about Innovation

Your organization is probably talking about innovation. You may even be investing in programs and initiatives with the aim to create more innovation. There is no doubt regarding its importance. Innovation is survival. But, is it actually happening?

In this provocative keynote, you will gain a deeper understanding of innovation and discover many common misconceptions about how it works. You will confront the inconvenient truth that much of modern management practice is anti-innovation and that innovation begins with culture. You will learn that leading successfully in an environment of constant change that demands innovation requires new thinking and a different approach.

Let your organization off the leash.

  • Gain a more complete understanding of innovation, how it happens and what obstacles commonly prevent it.
  • Discover why the true opportunity for unleashing innovation lies within your culture, not in more management process.
  • Learn how to foster innovation as a leader by cultivating connection, inclusion and liberation within your organization.

HackLab: Pursuing Progress Through Deviation

Innovation isn’t about big changes. And it doesn’t even require a big budget, a big title, or any permission. The changes that matter doesn’t happen overnight, they are the result of a lot of small, meaningful changes over time. Computer programmers and hackers have used this approach for years and we’ve reaped the rewards.

Applying insights from the computer hacking culture, Talent Anarchy will help you start finding ways to innovate and make progress in your work, one small change at a time. Regardless of your title or experience, you can make big things happen through a series of smart, small changes (hacks). This highly interactive session is designed to provide attendees with actionable insights and tools for immediate application. HackLab can be presented as a keynote or in a more in-depth and hands-on workshop format.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will leave with an appreciation for some of the core tenets of hacking culture and how they can be applied to their work and their organization (specifically sharing, openness, decentralization, access to tools, world improvement).
  • Participants will practice applying a hacking mindset to an actual aspect of their work (for example: team meetings, performance appraisals, preparing reports, etc.)
  • Participants will come to understand change as a process rather than an event and see that large changes are the culmination of a series of meaningful small changes building upon one another.

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Speaker testimonials

“Whenever we are seeking passionate, experienced and thought-provoking change agents, we call Joe and Jason. They are all about challenging the status quo and have proven it through their work in the spaces of diversity, talent management and leadership development. Whether it’s through a keynote address or small group session, these guys leave their audiences pumped and ready to change the world.”

Human Resource Association of the Midlands

Joe and Jason create crazy mixed feelings with their audience. The first time I heard them speak I was torn between wanting to “get up” and start doing what they were teaching versus “staying put” to gather up even more of the insight they were sharing. No learner or event planner could ask for more than what Jason and Joe serve up!

White Rabbit Group

Talent Anarchy is a dynamic duo that has presented the last two years at the Illinois State SHRM Conference. Their thought-provoking and dynamic presentations literally have attendees jumping up and down and dancing in the aisles. They are some of the best speakers on the tour expanding the idea of what makes for dynamic leadership and powerful leaders. They are the only ones who have ever been keynote speakers two years in a row at our conference due to popular demand of the attendees.

SPHR Illinois SHRM Conference Director

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