Dr. Gillian Mandich
Dr. Gillian Mandich is an award-winning, internationally recognized happiness researcher, speaker, educator, and author. With a PhD from Western University in Health Science, Dr. Mandich’s primary areas of research are happiness and health.
Named one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women by the Women’s Executive Network, Dr. Mandich’s work combines the latest research, practical wisdom, and an engaging style to help people live happier, healthier lives.
Dr. Mandich knows that there is no secret to happiness, but there is a science to it. She is passionate about research; the founder of The International Happiness Institute of Health Science Research; Research Associate at The World Database of Happiness, based out of Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands; and co-lead investigator of The Canadian Happiness At Work Study.
Speaking topics
- The Science of Happiness: Evidence-based practices that will make you happier today
Happiness is an essential ingredient in a life well-lived. In addition to making us feel good, studies have found that happiness can improve health, well-being, and longevity. Especially in our new reality, happiness is not a one-size-fits-all formula. In this session, Dr. Gillian will explain what it means to be happy, what key factors influence happiness, and what really matters to boost happiness during and after a global pandemic. Participants will leave with practical knowledge, confidence, and effective tools to create more opportunities for happiness in their life.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the science of happiness and the connection between happiness and health.
- Learn what differentiates happy people from less happy people.
- Explore how to overcome barriers and challenges to true and lasting happiness.
- Apply practical, evidence-based solutions and strategies to cultivate confidence, generate joy, and thrive.
- How to be Happy in the New World Of Work: Improve motivation, performance, and decrease burnout
The transition to a post-pandemic workplace is here, and whether one’s work is in-person, virtual, or hybrid, navigating the new world of work can be challenging. As co-lead investigator of The Canadian Happiness At Work Study, Dr. Gillian knows the current workplace landscape and how it affects both mental and physical health, productivity, performance, and the bottom line.
Increasing happiness and fulfillment may be one of the most productive things people can do to thrive both personally and professionally, and research shows that these capabilities can be learned. All of the latest research underscores what a significant factor happiness is to motivation, performance, success, and thriving. In fact, implementing happiness-building practices at work results in 125% less burnout, 66% fewer sick leaves, 44% higher retention, and 37% greater sales. In this session, Dr. Gillian will outline a roadmap to happier work using tools and strategies to increase energy, decrease burnout, and sustain positive change.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand how to cope with uncertainty, navigate ambiguity and change, build hope, and better manage stress.
- Explore the conditions for, as well as how to create a happier workplace culture that decreases burnout, improves productivity, builds trust, and inspires innovation.
- Learn how to make the most out of mental resources, respond to challenges more effectively, and create positive relationships in the workplace.
- Use applied science techniques to boost happiness at work, elevate employee engagement, and find more meaning and joy in work and life.
- Happiness in the Digital Era: Hey Siri, make me happier - Bridge the happiness gap between the virtual world
We know from research that technology is often a key ingredient to being efficient, effective, and successful; however, the grass is not always greener in cyberspace. Our modern relationship with technology is also making it more difficult to switch off and unplug, which is taking a toll on our energy, sky rocking rates of burnout, draining our happiness, and taxing our mental health. With the use of technology at an all-time high due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative to learn how to accurately navigate the digital world. Using fresh insights based on the latest research, participants will learn how to effectively leverage technology as a tool to enhance performance, increase well-being, and boost happiness.
Learning Objectives:- Understand the significant ways that technology is changing behaviour and impacting mental health.
- Examine the direct and indirect effects that social media and smartphone addiction have on mood, energy, performance, and well-being.
- Develop strategies to combat Zoom fatigue and stay connected without burning out.
- Learn evidence-based strategies to reduce distraction while maintaining connection.
- Creating a Happy Mindset: Why the happiness of your life can depend on the quality of your thoughts
Happiness is more than an emotion, it’s a mindset. Happy people think differently, and research confirms that a happy mindset can be learned. Creating a happy mindset isn’t about eliminating stressful, frustrating, or difficult experiences, rather, it’s about developing resilient responses, self-awareness, and the self-confidence to know that you can overcome any challenge or obstacle.
Rates of burnout, compassion fatigue, and depression at an all-time high due to the global pandemic, and it has become apparent that mental health is the next frontier of professional and personal excellence. Using Dr. Gillian’s scientific framework, participants will learn how to manage stress, uncertainty, change, and conflict to navigate the ever-changing landscape of our lives, enhance performance, boost productivity, and increase happiness.
Learning Objectives:- Understand how to apply positive psychology and neuroscience to shift thinking, break old patterns, and harness the power of perception to boost happiness.
- Understand the competencies of emotional intelligence and learn how to use emotions as allies to recognize, regulate, and manage emotions in oneself and others.
- Develop interpersonal courage, compassionate strength, and strategies for peace of mind, no matter what is happening in your life.
- Explore how to get out of autopilot, shift fear into action, and encourage a healthy expression of a wide range of emotions.
- Hybrid and Happy: How to leverage the best of both worlds for greater success in the new future of work
COVID-19 has forever changed the way we work. As we move into the new future of work, it is clear that creating conditions for happiness among employees is necessary for a digitally connected, engaged, and productive enterprise. By blending the key lessons learned during the pandemic with the best available workplace research, organizations have an opportunity to create a post-COVID workplace reality that avoids overwhelm, promotes resilience, increases engagement, and reduces burnout.
Drawing on organizational psychology, behavioural science, and neuroscience research, Dr. Gillian will teach the fundamental building blocks of a successful, thriving, and happy hybrid work environment. Participants will leave with practical tools and solutions to develop the cognitive skills needed to adapt in a fast-changing world, optimize productivity, and learn how to make work their happy place, regardless of where they are.
Learning Objectives:- Learn how to how create and stick to boundaries to increase productivity, improve focus, and regain control of your calendar in a hybrid work environment.
- Identify effective ways to feel connected to colleagues and clients, even when working remotely.
- Understand the true causes of overwhelm and strategies to handle current and future stress to prevent burnout and increase mental strength.
- Develop skills to set a workday up for maximum success when not at the office and avoid common hybrid productivity pitfalls.
- Understand how to navigate the ever-changing hybrid work environments, prioritize when everything seems important, and think clearly when things are busy.
Video clips
Speaker testimonials
Working with Dr. Mandich and sharing her expertise and insights with my clients is one of the best decisions I have ever made. She is a joy to work with and I am proud to have had the opportunity to partner with her.
ABA Canada has invited Dr. Gillian Mandich as a key-note speaker and as main stage host for its marquee trade show Revel in Beauty. The audience fell in love with Gillian instantly, she made them laugh, made them cry. Her presence, poise, humour, grace, and charisma are totally energizing. We highly recommend Dr. Mandich and can’t wait to have her with us again at a future event.
With an infectious enthusiasm, Dr. Mandich had all ears and eyes tuned in to her positive message and her groundbreaking research on happiness, resilience, and how to thrive during difficulty. She is a force of nature and a true giver. Her heart is huge and her knowledge is deep. She kept our audience fully engaged!
Dr. Gillian Mandich is a phenomenal speaker and facilitator. She has the ability to connect with any audience to deliver impactful and memorable experiences. She a positive participant feedback score of 95%+ reflecting high-quality, engaging content and exceptional facilitation skills. The participants expressed their appreciation for Gillian’s enthusiasm, positive attitude, and authenticity, and left each session with strategic tips and tricks they felt were both valuable and beneficial to use in both their personal and professional lives.